Daylily Dominic
Growing Zones 3 to 8
Page Number 10
Fragrant n
Height 2.5 ft to 2.75 ft
Common Name Daylily Dominic

Daylily Dominic

$11.95 $7.17
Tetraploid. Large, 5-1/2 inch blooms with triangular form are striking maroon red with a black velvet finish that holds up well, even in full sun. The deep rich color is accentuated by a vibrant golden-yellow throat. A good northern grower that reblooms. Always one of our top sellers. Semi-evergreen foliage. Williams 84

Growing Zone: 3 to 8

Own Root

Height: 2.5 ft to 2.75 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 8
Page Number 10
Fragrant n
Height 2.5 ft to 2.75 ft
Common Name Daylily Dominic