
(Cranesbill) Hardy perennial geraniums are long lived, pest resistant and come in a wonderful array of colors, types and sizes. They are easy to grow and their only requirement is moist, well drained soil. Most benefit from a good shearing after initial flowering to encourage new foliage and rebloom.
  • $19.95
    (PPAF) The beautiful flowers of this Meadow Cranesbill will draw second looks. Large and double, they are white...
  • $17.95
    Fluorescent pink flowers have bright white edges and centers. Blooms all summer with the heaviest flush in early...
  • $16.95
    (PPAF) This attention-grabbing selection bears a prolific number of brilliant pink blooms through the season. Green,...
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    $16.95 $10.17
    Dark green, deeply lobed leaves nicely off set the reddish-purple single blooms. Small leaves have nice red fall...
  • $18.95
    (P.P.12175)-Large 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inch, saucer-shaped, violet-blue flowers top mounds of deep green foliage lightly...
  • $17.95
    (P.P.19850)-This aromatic, spreading geranium features bright yellow-green young leaves that mature to green and turn...
  • $19.95
    (P.P.20096) Enchanting lilac blossoms have deep purple veins and center. Deeply lobed, green foliage forms tidy,...